A Brief Overview:
References and Case Examples
„Thanks to Gaby for her contribution in the organizing of a big part of our newly introduced “Lab Space” format at the PM-Summit 2018, our bi-annual Project Management Congress, an event with about 400 participants. Setting up a wide range of more interactive layouts was an innovative concept which lifted our program to the next exciting level. Her experience in organizing and moderating big events, coaching project members as well as her commitment and out of the box thinking helped us a lot to perform a day which was highly valued by the participants. After this experience, we will sure do more of that.“
Jörg Glunde, PMP®, PMI-ACP®, President PMI Southern Germany Chapter e.V.
Customer voices from workshops for cultural development:
„Many thanks for your commitment and the good upfront preparation of our workshop. Again, we have made another step in the right direction.“
„Thank you very much for our support.Bit by bit the actions take effect -I am very confident that we will be much further ahead already this autumn.“
„Frau König war uns immer eine engagierte und konstruktive Sparringspartnerin in unserem Changeprozess „Dialog Zukunft.“ Wir konzipierten und moderierten gemeinsam Workshops in unterschiedlichsten Beteiligungsformaten und Anlässen, darüber hinaus entwickelte und implementierte sie in enger und vertrauensvoller Zusammenarbeit mit unserer Projektkoordination passgenaue (agile) Methoden sowie Tools für unser neues Multiprojektmanagement. Zu guter Letzt unterstütze sie als Coach unsere Mitarbeiter in deren Projektleitungsfunktion in dem sich wandelnden Umfeld unserer Beteiligungsprozesse.“
Knut Hüneke, Projekt- und Prozessmanagement, Waldkrankenhaus „Rudolf Elle“ GmbH, Eisenberg
„As Consultant Mrs. König supports our project managers very individually and based on her longtime experience in both, Hard- and Soft Skills, always relating to the respective work context. As Coach she empathically provides an open environment which allows the coachee to reflect the challenges of project business with the goal of identifying and testing suitable solutions”
Wenzel Maertsch, Project Management Office, ADAC SE
„Gaby is particularly good at organizing and leading large complex projects and has the natural ability to hold action owners to account and have them achieve their tasks in a firm non-confrontational manner. In summary, she is both a Project and Change Management Expert”
Pete Little, Director Material Program Management, NCR
“Frau König hat uns beim Ausbau unseres europäischen Zentrallagers entscheidend unterstützt, sie hat das Projekt über die Laufzeit von 9 Monaten zielgerichtet und erfahren geleitet, und war jederzeit ein überaus kompetenter wie menschlicher Ansprechpartner für die Mitarbeiter und das Führungsteam. Jederzeit gerne wieder, wir hatten viel Arbeit, aber auch viel Spaß.“
Michael Storch, Leiter Logistik, Avaya Deutschland GmbH
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